delivering more for patients worldwide

In Global 操作, we turn molecules into medicine.

世界各地, our team plays a pivotal role in every step of a medicine’s journey, from the lab to the patient. From molecules under research and clinical trial settings, all the way through to launching new medicines for supply worldwide.


投资于澳门葡京赌博游戏的制造和供应链能力,以确保澳门葡京赌博游戏世界一流的供应绩效仍然是澳门葡京赌博游戏成功的关键. However, what’s clear is that we must continue to evolve 如何 we develop, manufacture and supply our medicines.

更甚于以往, 澳门葡京赌博游戏有机会将澳门葡京赌博游戏的全球供应网络转变为数字化的供应网络. When combined with Lean and Operational Excellence, 它能够以创纪录的速度、高可靠性和高效率向世界各地的患者提供新的模式和药物. 向一个由颠覆性技术驱动的智能工厂网络转型,将使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够为更多的患者提供更多的药物, 更迅速地.


Smart factories are an interconnected, 数字化的供应网络,包括澳门葡京赌博游戏的开发和制造基地, and our end-to-end supply chains, along with our external suppliers and partners.

Learn more about why ‘smart’ means ‘more’ for our Global 操作 in the below video:

通过澳门葡京赌博游戏的网络, 澳门葡京赌博游戏正在测试和部署数字“构建模块”——可以快速嵌入到业务流程中以创造价值的数字解决方案, and where there is an opportunity to optimise, transform or completely disrupt the way we work today.

在过去的18个月里, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的全球供应链, IT和人力资源专家与澳门葡京赌博游戏的网站合作,确定了12-15个有潜力改变澳门葡京赌博游戏业务的数字构建模块. By collaborating with leading innovators and technology partners, 澳门葡京赌博游戏胸怀大志, starting small and scaling fast. 使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够在现实环境中测试澳门葡京赌博游戏的数字构建模块,以验证业务价值,然后在澳门葡京赌博游戏的网络中快速安全地扩展它们.

Seven ways we are leveraging the power of digital throughout our end-to-end supply chain

  1. 数字药物开发:计算机实验, 数字孪生模型和仿真,以加快开发交货期和减少浪费,使澳门葡京赌博游戏的业务受益, 病人和地球.
  2. Advanced and predictive business insights and optimisation: Advanced and predictive analytics to drive greater insight, 预测结果, 优化澳门葡京赌博游戏的流程.
  3. 身临其境的体验: Augmented and virtual reality to reduce training lead-time, increase collaboration and improve safety and efficiency.
  4. 工厂指示板: 分析和可视化使澳门葡京赌博游戏的员工能够根据实时数据快速做出以患者为中心的可持续决策.
  5. 数字文件: Digital work instructions and workflow to improve ‘right first-time’, 提高效率, productivity for our business and our planet.
  6. 工厂流程模拟: 人工智能(AI)将创建数字双胞胎,优化运营流程,缩短交货时间,提高生产率.
  7. 数字化供应链: Connecting the end-to-end supply chain for enhanced visibility, 预测和规划,以更快的速度和灵活性向患者分发药品,并减少库存.

数码解决方案, such as AI and data analysis, are embedded into key processes at our Biologics Manufacturing Site in Frederick, 马里兰, US

快速工业化和规模化是澳门葡京赌博游戏转型战略的核心, 在任何时候,澳门葡京赌博游戏的投资组合都将在不同的发展阶段提供许多解决方案,从:概念验证, 最小可行产品, industrialised and ready-for-scale. We are steadily building a catalogue of these building blocks, so sites and functions can ultimately access them on demand.

Leading the way with our Digital Lighthouses

Across our Global 操作 network, we have identified five ‘digital lighthouse’ sites in diverse geographies, which perform a unique role in our network. In addition to being fully operational manufacturing sites, 这些关键站点在创建业务用例和通过概念验证测试数字技术方面处于领先地位. 此外, these digital lighthouse sites confirm that any data required meets our standards, that we can build the right capability for our teams to deliver and own the products, 澳门葡京赌博游戏建立业务流程,使数字化解决方案能够有效地用于澳门葡京赌博游戏的日常运营.

反过来, 灯塔站点为网络的其他部分提供了如何快速扩展和利用数字价值的见解和学习. 例如, 澳门葡京赌博游戏在无锡和瑞典的数字灯塔基地合作了12个多月,以加速构建模块的开发.

Through the application of data visualisation and advanced analytics solutions, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的无锡工厂已经建立了实时优化和同步生产的能力, end-to-end visibility of demand, 库存, order status and process performance. As of 2022, the site now operates with even higher safety, quality and efficiency. 与此同时, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的瑞典业务部门通过实施数据可视化,在降低复杂性和容量限制方面处于领先地位, paperless solutions and advanced optimisation analytics. 到目前为止, 该网站已经看到了卓越运营的改进,并看到了整个全球网络的新标准.

澳门葡京网赌游戏, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的愿景是成为世界上第一个端到端优化的制药制造供应链. Our transformation journey will provide manufacturing flexibility, 使澳门葡京赌博游戏能够适应未来,并继续为患者提供出色的药物.

吉姆·福克斯 澳门葡京网赌游戏瑞典业务副总裁兼全球数字化转型(运营)负责人

Bringing digital capabilities to our colleagues

Of course, technology forms only part of our transformation to smart factories. Global 操作 is unable to run successfully without highly skilled people, so our people are transforming too – into a digitally enabled workforce, employing digital tools to support them in their work, 推行终身学习的文化,从“做数码”转变为真正的“做数码”.

A digital innovation hub in Macclesfield, UK让员工身临其境地了解澳门葡京赌博游戏的智能工厂是如何运作的,并提供技术运作的实践经验.

To-date, we have upskilled over 2,600 employees in the possibility of what Industry 4.通过内部展览、互动式培训和实践经验,零技术可以实现. We are tapping into external collaborations to train in data science, 敏捷和变更管理, to drive our acceleration journey and to sustain a digital mindset. 重要的是, 澳门葡京赌博游戏的运营和IT同事已经建立了第一个专门的数字化转型办公室, 在每个价值流中引入数字网络,以推动解决方案的扩展并产生新的想法.

With the world around us changing rapidly, we are evolving our network, our technology and our capabilities to deliver more medicines, 给更多的病人, 更迅速地 and to build a better, 更可持续的未来. 我为澳门葡京赌博游戏的全球运营团队在加速数字化方面取得的进展以及澳门葡京赌博游戏在推进智能工厂方面所做的工作感到自豪,这些工作展示了澳门葡京赌博游戏为公司和患者提供的服务.

Pam程 执行副总裁、操作 & ,澳门葡京网赌游戏



Veeva ID: Z4-68549
Date of preparation: September 2024